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How are we preparing our future health professionals to address impacts of climate change?

In order to prepare health professionals and health systems for the impacts of climate and environmental change, there is an urgent need to incorporate sustainable healthcare education (SHE) into health professions training. SHE is defined as teaching and learning approaches that equip educators to develop students’ knowledge, skills, worldviews, and practices based on the interdependence of ecosystems and human health, in order to contribute to a more sustainable human existence. This current research aims to document existing SHE teaching and learning activities at Monash University Faculties of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences and Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences as a baseline measure. Methods will include (i) content analysis of course curriculum frameworks, unit handbooks, student learning outcomes and assessment task objectives from all 13 health professional courses, and (ii) an online survey of relevant Unit Coordinators (as identified via content analysis) to gather greater detail about relevant teaching and learning activities including pre/in/post-class activities, assessment tasks and placements.
Essential criteria: 
Minimum entry requirements can be found here:
environmental sustainability, health professionals, practice
Monash Centre for Scholarship in Health Education (MCSHE)
Available options 
Time commitment 
Physical location 
Clayton Campus
Liza Barbour

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