The role of patients is becoming increasingly valued in health professions education. The importance of patient-centred care (PCC) for achieving better health outcomes, safety and quality in health care is now widely recognised. Despite this, there remain significant gaps in provision of PCC by health systems and individual health professionals, including constructive and meaningful partnerships with patients. The current move to greater patient, consumer and carer involvement in health research and service delivery constitutes a changed landscape for health service organisations and in health care practice. Educating for PCC requires a well understood patient-centred education (PCE) framework with patients and education providers in partnership with each other to design and deliver programs. In keeping with these priorities PCE includes active involvement of patients in curriculum development, teaching and assessment, including direct feedback to students. What constitutes ‘active’ involvement in clinical settings applicable to patient teachers, patients as simulated patients and bedside or clinic settings is not currently well understood.
The Project:
This project will explore how patients currently influence health professions curricula and training, and how to more meaningfully engage patients, clients and their families in training health professionals in patient-centred care. This project is flexible in its scope and area(s) of practice and will use qualitative and design thinking methodologies. A successful candidate would ideally have experience as a health professional.
Essential criteria:
Minimum entry requirements can be found here:
patient centred care; health professions education; clinical education
Monash Centre for Scholarship in Health Education (MCSHE)
Available options
Medical Education
Time commitment
Top-up scholarship funding available
Physical location
Monash Clayton Campus
Christie Bennett